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Giving back to the community

Since 2020 we have donated $132,000 to 88 organisations across 8 regions in NZ and Australia. 


We support projects that align with NZM’s values of environmental impact, education, social impact, and animal welfare.​ If your project or event aligns with these values we’d love to hear from you! We support a wide range of projects with financial support or donations of products and vouchers.​





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One-VF Wool Cadetship 

In response to grower feedback, VF Corporation wanted to invest in the future of our industry. As a result, we developed the cadet programme to give shearers and wool handlers the opportunity to work with experts to hone and upskill their talent with the wider community.


Heroes’ Journey Conference – Celebrating our Growers

In 2021, we held our Heroes’ Journey Conference with more than 600 growers, brand partners and supply chain partners and affiliates from New Zealand and Australia. We raised $31,000 for Farmstrong, an initiative to help growers and their families build resilience and ‘live well to farm well’.

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NIKKE Child Cancer Foundation Collaboration

A collaboration between Otago Merino Association, Growers, Nikke and NZM with all proceeds going to the Child Cancer Foundation. The beanies & neck warmers are made using the 2021/22 child cancer fleece. A special coming together to give back with the hope to inspire brave little warriors on their journey.


Rural Community Support

NZM regularly supports agricultural and community events including A&P Shows, Two-Tooth competitions and Surfing for Farmers.

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