1 January 2025
The New Zealand Merino Company (NZM) has been made aware of the distressing footage
circulated by PETA showing several instances of animal abuse.
PETA says it has investigated eleven farms and shearing sheds around New Zealand. It is
unclear how many properties feature in the PETA footage.
We can confirm that the one property named by PETA to the New York Post is not and has
never been a supplier to the ZQ Programme.
The images shared by PETA are confronting and upsetting. NZM does not tolerate breaches
of animal welfare guidelines.
We are committed to investigating all allegations and urge PETA to provide us more detail
about filming locations and the timing of the recordings.
Should any ZQ accredited farms be identified during the investigation, alongside the New
Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries and our third-party audit body Control Union we will
take all necessary and appropriate action, up to and including expulsion from the
For more information please contact:
NZM Communications Manager Debs Sim: debs.sim@nzmerino.co.nz